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Letting Go

Ernie Nilda - Grateful

As I browse through a wedding magazine, looking for ideas, planning for that perfect occasion to walk through ‘the threshold’ of happily ever after — with my forever man — I think about where I have been, the journey that has brought me here, where I am today, and where I want to be.

All of my life I have dreamed of a love like this – and here I am now, writing about my experiences. Trying to put into words what only lives in my heart.

It is true

We already share our life, we have been blessed with an amazing boy and we go about our days in our less-than-perfect human ways – building and searching, and experiencing the challenges of a young family – while striving for happiness and success in this world.

It is true that his eyes touch my soul and that my heart skips a beat every time his lips touch mine, and that I find a safe harbor in his arms, always. — I am blessed and grateful for the experience of this love. Sharing my life with this kind, patient, steady man, simply the strongest person I have ever been blessed to know. — And I get to be his wife.

I wonder sometimes, how did I get so lucky?  You never know how life can change from one day to the next – when you least expect it – as it did for me.

It took me a while to recognize him, time went by before I could truly see him, and allow myself to open my heart to him. – He knew, I didn’t – Not right away, anyway.

You see… I have loved and lost before

But haven’t we all…?  I had fallen from my dreams of forever after and had my heart stripped and broken enough times to be reluctant, to be wary, to be overly cautious, and to be afraid to ever love again. To open my heart to be vulnerable and to allow anyone to see my soul, to share myself.

There are no victims here, as we are willing participants in every relationship we experience. — The choices that we make, sometimes take us places we didn’t mean to go.

Such is life. Live and learn. Get up, dust off, and walk on.

And so I did

Again and yet again. — Until the time came when I met this man, like no other I have known. Kind and honest, funny, and manly and human.

He saw me, and when I finally began to see him, I realized he is everything my heart has ever wished for.

He is not perfect, and neither am I… It is the vulnerability and willingness to be real, to be human, to be imperfect, and to freely allow each other to just be, to grow, and to accept and love one another simply as we are. — That has brought us together — and allowed me to open up to him, and to heal my heart.

Letting go

It is necessary to set ourselves free, to release and let go of what was, of what might have been, of anything and everything that could ever be, so that we can be present to what truly is here and now.

And day by day, choose to be true to our heart and to welcome the love that is.

Here and now and forever more. — I do.

❥ Namaste

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