I recently spent a few weeks in my hometown in central Mexico, staying with family and reconnecting with friends. I was also there for my dad’s 83 birthday, I visited my old high school and university, and I even did some business during my stay – I spent a wonderful time with old friends, and re-connected with my best friend from childhood, who is NOT on social media.
A serendipitous moment
An experience that filled my heart with tremendous joy!
The Uber dropped me off at her old address (since the phone number was no longer good) I did not recognize the area, nor the streets – strange, as I spent much time there in my youth – Yes, I am still young, and beautiful, yet it’s hard to believe, more than a couple of decades have gone by.
As we stand in front of the wood portal, typical of the old Mexican homes, we knock and wait for a response. My boy says “there is no one home mom, is that their car?” pointing to one parked nearby. “I don’t know” I reply, as I ponder “does the family still live there? Is this the right place? Would the neighbors know them? Should I ask someone? Who would know?”
We knock once again and wait
A few minutes pass, then I see a woman coming around the corner, she’s walking this way – I think to myself “I wonder if she knows them?”
As she gets closer, there is some familiarity, and then I recognize “my dear, oh dear friend Mireya” whom I haven’t seen in several decades – My heart knows it, and as I call her name out loud, she looks at me with puzzled eyes, then gives into the joy of the encounter.
We hug, we cry, and we are in awe – My goodness, how long has it been? I come here with my boy, who is 4 years old, and I learn that she has a 20-year-old. My, oh my!
The family does not live there anymore
She works at a school nearby and was not even supposed to be around that day, she just happened to come by, what used to be her parents’ home.
We spent the rest of the afternoon together, and it was as always – Every time we saw each other, everything was as it always had been, regardless of how often we may or may not have seen one another.
I am grateful for such a memorable trip, full of activity, family, and friends, most of whom I connect regularly online, yet especially delighted with the re-encounter with Mireya, my childhood best friend, with whom I shall continue to stay in touch outside of social media.
I asked my dad
What advice would you share from your life experience?
He said “surround yourself with people you love” not just family – nourish and cherish your friends, as you will find yourself in old age, and most would have passed on. Enjoy and appreciate them while they are here – Wise words from my 83-year-old father.
I think back to those with whom I have crossed paths, some have come and gone, a few have stayed, and others still come around every once in a while – It is easy to write people off, sometimes when we don’t see eye to eye, or simply when our interests are no longer shared, and the busyness of life keeps us apart.
Perhaps the bigger question is
Who has a piece of my heart, and has contributed with joy?
I vow to grow these relationships, so that one day when we are old and wrinkled, we can look back at the memories we have created together.
I began my trip with the mindset of making the most out of it. I was intentional about reaching out and engaging, and even though I did not see everyone I wanted to see, I thoroughly enjoyed the encounters I did have.
Living intentionally and with purpose, may bring joy and surprises in the most unexpected ways. I am truly grateful.
❥ Namaste
“The light in me honors and salutes the light within you.”
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Love it.. like riding a bicycle 🙂 <3
And where does 50 years go, so fast?
Thank you Lisa!! Yes, time goes in a blink of an eye. That’s why being present is important, otherwise we can miss it. ❤🙏🏼
110% agreed 😉
Amazing words of wisdom. Glad you enjoyed your trip and old friend to the fullest. If we all took your advise Nilda, this world would be in a much better place. Thank you 😉
Thank you Linda!!! We can all contribute a little every day, agree? 🙂