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Texas tales

Texas gallery - Shed © Nilda Heyek
Texas neighborhood shed

This summer will be our 3rd anniversary in Texas, as we arrived on July 14, almost 3 years ago. Below are a few things I have learned and experienced while living in the Lone Star State.

  • People are friendly and y’all are welcome to visit unannounced.
  • Bluebonnets are the official state flower of Texas.
  • Sir and Ma’am have nothing to do with age or sarcasm.
  • Wearing jeans, boots, and a hat are considered dressing up.
  • Status is seen by the truck you drive.
  • Ladies are not afraid to drive big trucks or mow the lawn.
  • Sharing the road with tractors is just part of driving in Texas.
© Nilda Heyek - Texas tractor
Tractor on the road
  • Fixin’ to — translates into — getting ready to…
  • When you don’t know where you are, look out for a water tower with the name of the town.
  • Horses, long-horn, goats, and chickens are a common scene on the drive home.
  • It ain’t a scenic drive if the speed limit is 75mph, even when the view is beautiful.
  • Sadly, road kill is not a strange sight.
  • Squirrels chirp.
Texas gallery - Cowgirl © Nilda Heyek
Horse on the road
  • A plethora of candy is thrown at the kids in every parade.
  • Every morning in school kids recite the USA and the Texas Pledge of Allegiance.
  • School is off when there is snow.
  • Schools have an early release if a parade or a meaningul sporting event is happening.
  • All sporting events are important.
Texas gallery - Homecoming parade © Nilda Heyek
Homecoming parade
  • People display with great pride the Texas and the USA flags.
  • If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.
  • Umbrellas also serve as sunshades.
  • Lightning and thunder occur year-round.
  • The wind can knock your hat off.
Texas gallery - Flag sign © Nilda Heyek
School sign
  • The grass goes dormant in the winter.
  • Winter and summer weather thus far has not been typical.
  • There is a chance of a freeze until after Easter.
  • Weather can shift drastically on the same day or from one day to the next.
  • Always bring a raincoat if the forecast says there is a 40% chance of rain.
© Nilda Heyek - Texas armadillo
Texas armadillo

There is a subtle transition of the seasons in Texas, which coincides with the actual calendar dates. — I love this!

Texas gallery - Grasshopper © Nilda Heyek
Grasshopper welcoming us

I am fascinated with the shifting fauna, from birds and butterflies in spring to cicadas, grasshoppers, and damselflies in the summer. The dragonflies and fireflies go into the fall when the singing birds return. We have seen deer all year round and baby deer in springtime.

The Grackle bird has caught my attention. — It is seen in the spring and the fall, and it is rather outspoken and captivating, singing and dancing in large flocks at sunset time in Abilene.

Summer brings the cicada killers — fascinating creatures resembling a mix of a wasp and a bee. — Their presence is noticeable as they fly around, harmless unless provoked.

© Nilda Heyek - Buffalo Gap, Texas
Deer of Buffalo Gap, Texas

The females live underground and hold the cicadas hostage for later feedings; the males capture the cicadas to bring to the female’s nest; the females are the ones that sting, so we don’t want them burrowing nearby.

The cicadas are rarely seen, but their presence is known for making a particular sound when rubbing their wings together. — There is a saying that when the cicada sings, the weather is hot.

© Nilda Heyek - Wild Turtle
Wild Turtle

Cicadas live underground and emerge in the summer. They shed their skins, and sometimes you see a cicada carcass lying around reminding you she was there.

I never realized that scorpions are arachnids. — Yes, it is a little creepy to think about.

Truth be told they never bothered me before, like spiders. I am okay with co-existing as long, as they are out of my space. However, a close encounter between a scorpion and my child sparked a new level of awareness. Thankfully, quick instinctual action from momma (me) prevented any harm, but it served as a reminder of continued watch of our surroundings.

Living in Texas has been quite an adventure filled with surprises, from interesting weather to amazing encounters with wildlife. As we mark another year, I look forward to what lies ahead in our new life here.

❥ Namaste

“The light in me honors and salutes the light within you.”

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18 thoughts on “Texas tales”

  1. Wow! That was an amazing description of Texas! I learned things from reading this that I never knew and I was reminded of how Texas 1000% loves their sports and the weather is tripolar lol!

  2. I loved your post and it describes Texas very well. I’m glad you have enjoyed living here. I hope you will be here for many years to come. Y’all are great neighbors!

  3. These were great and really accurate too! What a fun and enjoyable read. We’re so happy to have y’all here in the great state of Texas too!

  4. Wonderful reminders for us Texas natives and all truths about living in Texas. Makes us appreciate all these things a little! Helps us to see Texas through fresh eyes.

    My favorite thing is how big our skies are!!!..:

  5. This was a great post! I love the list of all the things you’ve discovered while living in Texas. I love this time of year with all the wildflowers blooming and the different birds coming through.

  6. Love the post! So much more for your family to discover here in the Lone Star State. We are so happy y’all are here.

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