I had just turned 47 when my boy was born. When I became pregnant I was very healthy, physically active, and vegetarian. I believe these were positive contributors to a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
I remember distinctively the moment I realized something was different in my body. – It was during yoga practice, I was attempting an arm balance “Tittibhasana” (Firefly pose), and as I landed on my bootie I thought to myself that something felt off, then I disregarded that feeling and continued with class.
The thing about yoga, it helps tune into the body, we learn to feel and recognize our physical body in the most amazing ways, as achieving some cool stuff takes great focus, intentional breathing, and concentration. This is also how yoga helps us be present and thus relax the mind by letting go of anything that isn’t part of the here and now.
After class, I began looking at my calendar, wondering when did I have my last period? I had been busy – I had just completed a 100-hour Ashtanga yoga training in the past 10 days, not realizing that my period was a couple of weeks behind. Quite unusual, since my body has always been very timely this way.
When I got home that day, I found a home pregnancy test that had been in my closet for years, I think there were 2 tests, and ta-da! They both came out positive.
Could this be true? There I was, dating this guy (now my husband), newly in love, and we’d only been going out for about 5 months. And just a couple of weeks before, we had been talking about the idea of adopting a kid in the future, since we were both in our mid-40s.
I was not afraid, I was a bit in shock, as I had dreamed about that moment for years, to no avail. – That moment had finally arrived!
I have always believed that women have an inherited divine right to experience pregnancy and childbirth if they so choose. Even though it was a complete surprise, I trusted that my body knew exactly what to do.
After seeing the doctor, I was immediately categorized as a “high-risk pregnancy” because of my age, not taking into consideration my health and lifestyle. – It is like judging a book by its cover, without reading the content first.
I was blessed to have a nurse doula who also believed in the wisdom of the woman’s body, and I stumbled upon Hypnobirthing classes. – My man, with his scientific approach to life, was a bit skeptical about this, but gratefully he agreed to attend classes together. Besides, he can’t really say no to me. [Insert big grin emoticon here] – We learned so much about the body, pregnancy, and natural delivery, as well as about our rights as new parents.
Let’s be real, this system conditions us to believe that if we’re not pregnant or married by such age, then we shouldn’t be, and if we are, they try to put the fear on us, about everything that could go wrong.
Also after a baby is born, they push the man-made formula into the vulnerable new moms, who don’t know any better, who might be struggling with breastfeeding, and who want the best for their babies. Making them feel completely inadequate, instead of providing proper support and education, and encouraging them to learn how to nurture their babies, just as nature intended.
Breastfeeding is not so easy, but nobody tells you that. – Thank goodness for La leche league!
I digress
Because I was 46 at the time, I was urged to take a number of additional tests, which I gracefully declined, except for one, which came back with results comparable to a healthy woman in her 20s.
Being pregnant and building a life inside, is not a small task, it is a miracle of life and nature, and nature is wise.
I knew that with proper nutrition and preparation, everything would be okay.
I chose to deliver at a birthing center, away from all hospitals, I didn’t want to take a chance on “high-risk” interventions because of my age. – I did meet one doctor who told me, you don’t want to see me during delivery, because if you do, that means there is a problem. – He also said that if I wanted another baby, I could get pregnant right away. And that everything should be just fine.
I wasn’t sure, never having gone through pregnancy and childbirth before, and so I figured I would just have this baby first and then consider another one.
I slept a lot during pregnancy, I am glad I did. I was in awe as I observed my body changes, and it was the funniest thing to not be able to see my toes. Eventually tying my shoes became a challenge. – I am proud to say I did continue to teach 2 yoga classes a week, vinyasa power up to one month before, and gentle yoga for seniors up to one week before giving birth.
As I got close to delivery, mobility became harder, the baby was heavy. We were expecting him any day, yet he took a while. – When he decided it was time, he arrived fast.
He was born 20 minutes after arriving at the birthing center, (the midwife said there was no time to fill up the tub, as we had planned for a water birth). The birth experience was truly amazing, and 100% natural.
Breastfeeding was a challenge, but I managed to exclusively breastfeed my baby for just shy of 2 years.
He is one healthy kid! – Now 7, with the attitude of a teenager (oh boy!)- My husband and I are in our 50’s. We feel blessed and grateful for our little family.
Be realistic, expect a miracle
There are plenty of resources and support for women who wish to experience natural pregnancy and childbirth, regardless of their age. I believe there are several factors that come into play, such as health, lifestyle, and nutrition.
My take on it all is: don’t let anyone, even a doctor, tell you what you can or cannot do. Don’t let any fears creep into your mind, ask for help and you shall find it. Remember that fear and trust are two sides of the same coin, it is always a choice.
Trust yourself, trust nature’s wisdom, and trust life. – Once you choose to trust, you will be in awe as to how the magic of life unfolds right before your eyes.
❥ Namaste
“The light in me honors and salutes the light within you.”
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Nilda i need your Reiki masters skills here in fl to help me heal
…I absolutely loooooove your blog seriously ! Keep it going…love, Gretchen Brasher
Thank you Gretchen ❤🙏🏼 Sending light your way.